Microsoft Teams: Windows 11 has improved the integration of Teams video chat into the operating system to make use of this productivity tool with computing devices more seamless.Virtual desktops: Windows 11 improves support for creating multiple virtual desktops with individual display customisation for each instance for more advanced users.
Android support: Windows 11 also offers better Android app support on the Windows operating system. Copy and paste the command wmic qfe list and press enter key. In addition, improvements have been made to the graphics to meet the challenging needs of games software. Check Windows 11 update history with Command Prompt. Gaming: Windows 11 also brings improved gaming support and features from Xbox to provide a common approach across all devices. The intent is to make information display easier to manage across all devices that Windows supports, from desktop computers to smartphones. They have also added snap layout and group display management when docking and undocking portable devices.
User interface: Microsoft has improved the organisation and display of open applications and widgets.